Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lake Powell

Oh Ya!!! Check us out! We were reelin em in all day...at least tryin ;)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Memorial Day at Millers Canyon

Well we made it to the Middle of Nowhere!!! We packed up early...after stopping at the store for the couple things I missed...oops. We were on the road to Nowhere at about 8am and we arrived around 11. It wasn't long before we were on the 4 wheeler cruisin in the dirt for a short ride.
Well the truck is back! Dan and help from the usual crew put the truck back in working order. After a super fun day at the lake... a month or so ago, on our way home Dan's beloved truck broke down and we had to call in the troops to come save our behinds. Thanks everyone! I was just so damn happy it wasn't snowing and I wasn't freezing my patoot off like the last time it gave out on us!!! Anyway we just chilled in the boat after we figured we were beyond our own measures, drank some pepsi's. Dan was pretty upset but did extreemely well given the situation! Thanks for keeping your cool babes!